Getting you back on track.

Two hands holding a pill in each.

Empowering your mental health journey through personalized medication management.

Psychiatric medication management is an essential aspect of mental health treatment. At Rooted Counseling Services, we believe that medication management should be part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes alternative treatment options, monitoring, and working collaboratively with the patient. We specialize in medication management for adolescents, adults, and maternal mental health.

Education and consultation for your medications

Our nurse practitioners will review all your medications, including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and dietary and herbal supplements to determine possible side effects, negative interactions, and unnecessary dosages. We understand how the different medications work and make recommendations based on diagnosis, symptoms, and medical and family histories. If medication issues are detected, our staff will work with your healthcare providers to make beneficial changes to your medication regimen.


We believe that collaboration between medical professionals and patients is essential for effective psychiatric medication management. We work closely with our clients to ensure that they are fully informed about their treatment options, including the benefits and potential risks associated with medication. We also encourage our clients to actively participate in their treatment plan and provide feedback on how their medication is affecting them.

At Rooted Counseling Services, our nurse practitioner regularly monitors patients' medication regimens to ensure that they are experiencing optimal benefits and minimal side effects. We also work with our patients to track their symptoms and make any necessary adjustments to their treatment plan.

Rooted Counseling Services offers in-person & virtual medication management to help you get relief from the symptoms of mental health conditions through medications while also protecting your physical well-being.